Dealing With Anxiety Dreams
Dreams that feature anxiety can be alarming, yet are often simply the subconscious response to current stressors. If these dreams recur regularly, consider seeking professional assistance from one of Charlie Health’s therapists.
Therapists can assist in pinpointing the source of your anxieties, leading to improved sleep and mental wellbeing.
Identifying the Cause
As their name implies, anxiety dreams are bad dreams which cause feelings of tension or unease in dreamers upon awakening and throughout the day. Though less severe than nightmares, anxiety dreams can still leave dreamers anxious upon awakening and throughout their day. Though occasional bad dreams may occur for us all, frequent anxiety dreams could indicate there may be something going on in your daily life which needs addressing.
While it’s normal to experience stress dreams, the trick lies in understanding why they keep coming back over and over. No matter the cause — generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder or another condition — it is vital that mental health professionals can help manage them effectively.
One theory about recurrent anxiety dreams suggests they provide a therapeutic way of processing fears and anxieties. If someone keeps having nightmares about being trapped in dangerous situations but being powerless to escape them, this phenomenon is known as threat simulation theory and believed to help prepare their minds to act when similar situations arise in real life.
Therapists can also teach practical coping methods that can help individuals relax before bedtime. This could involve suggesting certain foods or activities be avoided, creating a soothing bedtime ritual, and keeping a diary to identify potential stressors which could be contributing to nightmares.
People living with anxiety disorders frequently have disturbing and upsetting dreams more frequently and profoundly than those without. Since people with anxiety disorders tend to evaluate and reflect upon their actions and experiences more thoroughly and deeply, this makes sense — the dreams of people with anxiety disorders typically revolve around themes like fear and distress; high speeds; power; appearances of former love interests or family members in the dreams.
Talking to a Loved One
If you are having anxiety-inducing dreams, it’s important to discuss them with someone. Doing this will allow you to identify possible triggers while receiving support, as well as find strategies to alleviate anxiety caused by such dreams.
psychologists conducted a study that revealed those suffering from anxiety disorders frequently experience distressing dreams that can have negative emotional repercussions. Their dreams often feature characters, symbols, images, aggressive or sexual interactions and dangerous events and scenarios with lower positive interaction levels from other people than other dreamers’ do.
Dreams that depict someone being Chased can also be distressing and can make sleeping harder, especially for people suffering from social anxiety disorder. In these dreams, a person finds themselves running from something or someone but can’t clearly see them; making it hard for them to comprehend why they’re being chased — leading them to further stress out and disrupting sleep cycles.
Dreams involving drowning are common among those experiencing anxiety. While they can be frightening, as it feels as if your fears are overwhelming you, these dreams often do not come true and may only serve to further worsen feelings of anxiety and stress. While most anxiety dreams don’t become reality they still can be highly disturbing.
Understanding what’s causing anxiety dreams, discussing them with loved ones and using relaxation methods are ways to lessen the frequency of such dreams. Avoid stressful situations whenever possible and fill your daytime activities with positive memories rather than dramas and reality shows; for instance watching cartoons or comedies instead can make a positive difference in how often anxiety dreams appear.
If your anxiety dreams persist, consulting with a therapist who specializes in anxiety is recommended for guidance in dealing with them. Charlie Health’s online therapy services offer access to licensed therapists who specialize in anxiety who can guide your journey toward healthier sleep and life satisfaction.
Working with a Therapist
When anxiety dreams interfere with your sleep schedule and increase stress levels, it’s advisable to reach out for professional assistance. A mental health practitioner can help identify what’s causing the issue as well as offer strategies for dealing with them. In cases where dreaming interferes with work or family life, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) could also be suggested as a solution.
Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to both reduce anxiety and frequency of bad dreams, as well as online counseling as an option. Therapists certified and trained to provide online therapy can be an excellent way to address mental health needs including any sleep disorders related to anxiety.
Therapists can assist in the interpretation and understanding of anxiety dreams. Sometimes nightmares will correspond with specific events in your waking life such as stressful meetings or imminent threats, while in other cases anxiety dreams are indicative of overall stress or depression.
Seeing a therapist for anxiety dreams may help pinpoint their source and teach you ways to cope. Furthermore, relaxation methods may help improve sleep quality which in turn reduces stress levels and anxiety-inducing dreams.
No one can control the content of their dreams, but seeing a therapist can help you learn to manage them effectively. Engaging in self-awareness and emotional regulation techniques while awake can also reduce their intensity.
BetterHelp offers over 31,000 certified therapists nationwide who can help manage anxiety and improve sleep. BetterHelp matches you with one in 48 hours, and your first session is always free. Click this link and start looking for answers today. If costs are an issue, they also provide flexible payment plans; search their website by location or specialty, as well as switch therapists whenever desired.
Practicing Relaxation Methods
Dreams that cause anxiety may reflect stressful situations that are currently unfolding or scary events in the future; to reduce their frequency and intensity, one method is making sure you get enough restful slumber — although even this cannot guarantee complete relaxation from anxiety dreams.
Good news is that anxiety dreams are common. You are more likely to experience them if you experience anxiety and/or have experienced trauma in life; in fact, studies suggest those living with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are prone to nightmares because of their experiences.
Uncomfortably, stress dreams can cause much unrest when they disturb or wake you up during the night, leaving you feeling stressed and anxious throughout your day. If this is happening to you frequently or upset by their content, seeking professional help might be beneficial.
Therapists can work with you to identify the source of your anxiety dreams and offer techniques to reduce or stop them. They may also assist in treating anxiety symptoms that arise while awake, as well as any stress in your life that contributes to those dreams.
An effective way to limit stress dreams is to develop relaxation techniques before going to bed, such as deep breathing exercises or listening to soothing music. Also try filling your day with more positive activities that won’t spark fear-based dreams — for instance watching more comedy shows and cartoons than dramas or reality TV series.
Altering a dream you recall while awake can also help reduce nightmares for people living with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This technique, known as imagery rehearsal therapy, is one of the ways PTSD sufferers use imagery rehearsal therapy to decrease the frequency and severity of nightmares they experience.
Anxiety dreams can be quite uncomfortable and disturbing, yet they’re part of the natural process of sleeping. Speaking to a therapist and practicing relaxation techniques can help reduce their impact on your mood and help lessen their negative influence on you and others around you.
Originally published in The Sleep Loft — Online Mattress Showroom NYC